
Friday, July 29, 2011

Tutorial: Quilted fabric postcards

It's Monday! We all know what that means.... a new video tutorial!

In this video I teach you how to make some quick and easy fabric postcards that can actually be mailed!

This has been a popular project in the crafting world for a while now but no matter how easy and common I think it is I always have new followers that have never heard of it so I was asked to make a tutorial for it. 

This is the perfect project to use up those fabric and batting scraps because that's pretty much all you need!

I like to sew paper to the back side of the postcard instead of fabric because its easier to write on and the mail stamps stick perfectly to them.  You can use whichever you prefer. 

This was also my first time using a new fabric glue stick that I was recently introduced to called the "Lapel Stick."  A big thanks to the makers of the lapel stick for sending me this complimentary tube for me to try.  It's for all kinds of fabric and I was really impressed at how it held together the fabric to the batting and also the paper to the batting on the backside.  It wasn't thick and gloppy like some regular craft glue sticks are. It slid right on and it goes on invisible.  If you want to see how it performed on camera check it out in the video tutorial below.

Hope you enjoy the tutorial!


suziestandring said...

What a lovely idea. Something else for me to try! X

Anonymous said...

I can never see the videos on this site. A little help??

Gaileann said...

How do you find the video, I have clicked on everything and can not see it.

NC said...

Can't find the video.............

Kate said...

Thanks guys, I can't find it either!

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